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Monday, October 31, 2011

Anne Hathaway in 'One Day': What the Critics Are Saying

I was so distracted, thinking that the version of the language, I would try later - turning the war the BBC right "Eeee by gum blunders" - Actually, I forgot to mourn, which It's a shame because it's a corker of a story, and Edinburgh and London, both are beautiful, "Caroline critics gel Huffington Post.

"Hathaway was assaulted in a performance of his stint as co-host of the Oscars, where James Franco sleepwalker apathy impatient perfectionism thrown into relief," wrote The Village Voice. "She is so excited trip here, if not all, but highlights a line of treatment in smug satisfaction, sometimes rushing through them, as to divert attention from his bad British accent medley. "

Total Film says: "Hathaway is clearly involved in the School of Accents Michael Fassbender Mix 'n Match - RP in a broad Yorkshire scene - but it brings a vulnerable side to his nature pungent".

The film critic Emanuel Levy takes a harder line and said. "If incompatible British accents Hathaway was the only problem in his plays, you can easily forgive and forget, but the rendering of one of his weakest performances, she seems lost in the puzzle, perhaps based on a misinterpretation Scherfig, or simply to be against type. "

But the actress is not the only critic Levy for his work on the screen. His co-star Patricia Clarkson is "is also struggling with a consistent approach," he said.

"I'm not in no American can-play-a-Brit School of casting (Renée Zellweger will always be my Bridget Jones), but Anne Hathaway American kampberedthed slender, bright smile and good health are the opposite physical and psychological which makes Emma more than just a clumsy duckling who takes a very long time to become a swan, "writes Lisa Schwarzbaum EW.

But London Evening Standard critic does not challenge the trial of the actress said: "I found her Yorkshire accent credible:. Certainly more convincing than Jim Sturgess odd channel is Pierce Brosnan, the voice of Dexter"

The Hollywood Reporter Kirk Honeycutt, film critic agree that Hathaway had a "convincing English accent." In a recent interview with the Boston Globe, Hathaway admitted that taking on the release British dialect n Focus Features' new , One Day, co-star Jim Sturgess English native, was a bit of a challenge for the natives of New Jersey. "I certainly felt the pressure," she said before adding, "But I had a lot support of a dialect coach, a strong, fearless director. And a beautiful costar "

But critics disagree. The actor has to close his company tries to accentuate the film adaptation of the bestselling book by David Nicholls'.

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