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Monday, October 31, 2011

Costume Anne Hathaway "Catwoman" Revealed: It's less like Halle Berry & More Since the original cartoon!

Although we will not see Anne Hathaway in the role of Catwoman in The Dark Knight iconic rises more than a year, an insider tells new details in his highly anticipated suit - and will not be like any other thing that " we have seen in previous films!

"Trousseau Anne is more tactical, like the comic, as previous Batman movies," a source close to the costume designer tells us exclusively. "Definitely going to wear glasses and will be less attractive than Halle Berry and Michelle Pfeiffer Catwoman costume. It's more like a thief."

Adds the insider, "but the fan boys should not be worried. This costume is just enough to find Anne smoking hot. "

We can not wait to see Anne - who says she has worked tirelessly to get in shape for the role - as Catwoman. As noted above, a source on the set told us the actress, 28, is dominant in this role and will blow the audience out of the water.

"Everything that appears in his eyes, his head movements, his body is so all-cat. The task is to bring in new places," said the insider.

The Dark Knight theaters comes up July 20, 2012. Will you go see? A source tells Anne Hathaway suits later in 'Catwoman' the next is different from all the costumes of the previous films! Would you like more?

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