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Monday, October 31, 2011

Oscars TV Review: Anne Hathaway and James Franco will host an Academy Awards broadcast disastrous

A few hours in the disastrous broadcast of the Oscars, came the host Emeritus Billy Crystal on stage to a thunderous ovation. If the applause can be translated into words, the valves would have shouted, "Come back, Billy Save us from this mess!"

The crystal continued to monitor the reception with hiking, monologue about Bob Hope unfunny influenced the type of cast was Oscar night. No matter how talented or intentions involved, almost nothing has worked. He was so tense and strange, to a point Roger Ebert tweeted, "I even started to feel nostalgic about Rob Lowe dancing with Snow White."

Much of the blame misfortune, the feet (both of whom were dressed in high heels at some point during the show) co-hosts Anne Hathaway and James Franco, two multi-talented young actors were drawn from the hope of can attract a younger, more friendly advertisers.

It was not the target host, or the writers ran away - at an early stage in his opening speech, Mr. Franco said Hathaway, "You look so beautiful and so hip," and he replied: "Thank you, James You seem very attractive to a younger audience as well .. " - But a youthful energy not only is not enough to do heavy ships, like an Oscar, especially when the energy of two young men were so mismatched.

(It does not help that the Oscars are still a sensitive middle-aged, even hosts with twenty something. At one time, Franco was a "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" reference and joked, "a research online ", which was either incredibly-procuring or such subtle parody of the same he had something to do on this show.)

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